Grievance Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Grievance Policy is to provide a clear and fair process for resolving grievances lodged against a Academy’s students. This policy ensures that all grievances are handled promptly, fairly, and confidentially, maintaining professional behavior and ethics within the community.

2. Scope

A grievance is defined as an objection or complaint lodged against a Academy’s students, arising from alleged inappropriate or unprofessional behavior. This policy applies to grievances filed by any person, including but not limited to:

  • Clients
  • Client’s partners or families
  • Nurses, doctors, or other healthcare providers
  • Hospital employees or administrators
  • Other doulas or childcare specialists
  • Trainers or instructors
  • Members or representatives of the certification body

3. Grievance Procedure

Step 1: Informal Mediation

3.1 Mediation: Before filing a formal grievance, it is encouraged to seek informal mediation with the assistance of the Grievance Committee. The Committee will make every attempt at conflict resolution.

3.2 Preliminary Complaint Form: If mediation is unsuccessful, a Preliminary Complaint form must be completed in its entirety. A response will be provided within 24 business hours.

Step 2: Formal Grievance Submission

3.3 Formal Submission: If mediation does not resolve the matter, the complainant may file a formal grievance. The grievance must be submitted in writing within one year of the event or behavior and must include:

  • Names of all parties involved
  • A detailed account of the event(s) or behavior(s)
  • All forms of evidence, including witness statements

3.4 Submission Process: The grievance submission form can be requested and should be or emailed to [email protected] with the subject "GRIEVANCE SUBMISSION." The Grievance Committee will confirm receipt by e- mail.

Step 3: Investigation and Response

3.5 Notification and Response: The subject of the grievance will be notified by certified mail and will have 45 days from the date of notification to respond to all allegations.

3.6 Committee Review: Copies of all submissions will be provided to each member of the Grievance Committee. The Committee will discuss and deliberate only the facts and circumstances surrounding the grievance in question. Prior Committee decisions regarding the subject may be considered in recommending sanctions.

Step 4: Decision and Sanctions

3.7 Deliberation and Decision: The Grievance Committee will render a fair and impartial decision. The Committee’s decision is final and includes determining any sanction or penalty. Possible sanctions include:

  • Warning
  • Formal reprimand
  • Additional training requirements
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Probationary period
  • Removal of credentials or certification
  • Removal of membership status

3.8 Notification: All parties will be notified of the Committee’s decision by e-mail. The Committee will endeavor to resolve the grievance within 60 days of receiving the subject’s response.

Step 5: Confidentiality

3.9 Confidentiality: All grievances, discussions, correspondence, decisions, negotiations, conclusions, and sanctions will remain confidential. This applies to the complainant, subject, Grievance Committee members, and all officers of the certification body.

4. Dismissal of Grievance

4.1 Summary Dismissal: A grievance not found to violate the Certification Body’s Membership Agreement or Standards of Professionalism may be summarily dismissed by the Committee, with notification to all parties involved.

5. Acceptance of Procedures

5.1 Agreement: As a requirement of certification, the specialist agrees to the above procedures and waives the right to sue for damages.

This grievance policy and procedure are essential to maintaining the integrity and professionalism of our organization. Certified Specialists must demonstrate professional behavior and ethics at all times. These procedures provide a mechanism to protect the public and the community from alleged misconduct by anyone affiliated with the certification body.

548 Market Street #42663

San Francisco, CA 94104

[email protected]